The real life images below were taken by HairPalace Hair Clinic in Budapest, Hungary and you can ask for a validation to find out about their originality. Results may vary after each hair transplant, these images try to illustrate the cases when hair transplants can substantially improve look and improve self-esteem. If you have mature hairline, receding hairline or you are going bald on the top of your head – or you just want thicker hair you can contact us and we can discuss options in your own case. Let us help you improve your look – and self confidence with FUE-2 SafeSystem at lower rates than in the UK and costs compare to prices in Turkey. We can show you actual hair transplant before and after images with 1500 / 2000 / 2500 grafts.
Hair transplant before and after images – Hair Clinic Budapest, Hungary
Hair transplant testimonial videos – Hair Clinic Budapest, Hungary
Forms and international pages
- Quanto costa il trapianto di capelli all’estero?
- What are hair transplant options for men living in Dubai?
- How much can you save on your hair transplant overseas?
- Kuinka paljon hiukset siirretään ulkomaille?
- Wie viel bezahlen Sie für eine FUE Haartransplantation im Ausland?
- Combien payez-vous pour une greffe de cheveux FUE à l’étranger?
- Quel pays est le meilleur pour les greffes de cheveux en Europe?
- La greffe de cheveux en France coûte cher. Où puis-je l’obtenir moins cher?
- Is haartransplantatie echt goedkoper dan in Nederland?
- Jeg har brug for en ny hårlinie. Hvor får jeg det billigere end i Danmark?
- Hvilken er den beste hårklinikken i Budapest?